Life Before Internet

Do you remember life before the internet? Here is the list of things that life has before the Internet: Socialization like phone calls on house phones, going to places like the mall, passing notes at school without the teacher noticed, etc. The favorite games, whether they are board games or games you play at school… Continue reading Life Before Internet

Wandering Through The Forest

In the forest, there is always something that can lead to a total visualization. This visualization can be similar to your own fantasy story. You wander through the forest and imagine something magical. Magically enough to allow the forest to shine a bit in your perspective. When you see the forest, you are visualizing it… Continue reading Wandering Through The Forest

She Can Feel Like A Garden

She feels like she can truly be a garden with different colors. Representing all kinds of things. Adding along some happiness. Finding peace all the way through. Letting joy puts some colors of every flower in its blooming texture. In her visualization, she wants to be a peaceful garden and a place for someone to… Continue reading She Can Feel Like A Garden

A Mindful Change Through Every Positive Trait

A mindful change can carry you into something positive. This is more of a positive trait. Find that growth thanks to that perfect mind. This perfect mind can lead to another thing. Create that movement with a real sense of openness. Like the changes at that moment, shall embrace them with loving care. Something with… Continue reading A Mindful Change Through Every Positive Trait

A Butterfly’s Grace

A butterfly has generated grace through that bit of something. Beautiful things can be said about a butterfly. Uniqueness are represented by a butterfly. The butterfly's life has that meaning to something. Take the ascent of a cocoon and see this lovely silhouette. Everything about a butterfly may look like the life of a person.… Continue reading A Butterfly’s Grace