Daily Affirmation: Positive Thinking 

I AM POSITIVE Positive is my key word. Being like a positive person shall keep my spirits up. Being positive is like feeling secure about myself. My positive world is unequaled. I use that positive thinking as a symbol for a controlling mind. Positive Thinking shall keep me living. It will abide by my lead… Continue reading Daily Affirmation: Positive Thinking 

My Positive Affirmations #2

I am filled with pure joy. I am rising confidence. I am strong enough. I am positive thinking. I have a passion for my spirit. I have the courage to be a strong individual. I have a outstanding way to feel overpowered. I possess a true meaning for myself. This is what who I sincerely… Continue reading My Positive Affirmations #2

Using Positive Affirmations as a Purpose of Meditation 

I enjoy meditating a lot. It really soothes my soul and calms my mind. I only use positive daily affirmations as part of meditation. I listen to these affirmations on YouTube. I sit back and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths. I heed to every single word on these affirmations. I sometimes… Continue reading Using Positive Affirmations as a Purpose of Meditation