Stories Can Actually Form

There’s so many stories around. Think of it as a way of realizing there's a form. Each story from an individual's point of view is meaningful. It can also be something else. Letting that individual’s mind knows that there’s stories everywhere and not just for the one that everyone else knows. As always an individual… Continue reading Stories Can Actually Form

My Favorite Childhood TV Show: Rugrats 

I love watching Rugrats on TV as a child. It's amazing about the world in each of the toddler's point of perspective and their adventures. The show was on for thirteen years, started in 1991 and ended in 2004 with two sequels, three feature films, a series of books, games, toys, and tons of other… Continue reading My Favorite Childhood TV Show: Rugrats 

Letter to a Fictional Character: Recovery Road

[This is a letter that I penned for a fictional character. I composed it in my journal way back. This quality is a main character from a TV show "Recovery Road". It's based off a book.] Dear Maddie,          You're in the middle of your recuperation. You're doing great. You receive some… Continue reading Letter to a Fictional Character: Recovery Road

Ancestor of a Huntress 

[I wrote about a character from a TV appearance. I didn't even mention names. I can only write what's on my mind. I'll try to do some more later on.] In the past centuries she was the first huntress of the family after marriage and accepting her husband's last name. Later on, her ancestors will… Continue reading Ancestor of a Huntress 

Review of my Favorite Childhood TV Show: As Told by Ginger

I loved to watched "As Told by Ginger" when I was young. The show reflects on actual life. The characters had to change clothes. It's like no other animated show, particularly when most of them have to stay in one outfit. The show is generally about a teen character named Ginger Foutley in her point… Continue reading Review of my Favorite Childhood TV Show: As Told by Ginger

My Favorite Disney Princesses 

   In most of my life I'd enjoy seeing Disney Princesses in movies, books, music, and on TV. I truly admire them all. I too wish that I'd wanted to be like a Disney Princess. I set down ten of my favorite Disney Princesses. Here are ten of them: 1. Mulan     Mulan is my… Continue reading My Favorite Disney Princesses 

Characters With Autism

I put down ten characters from films and tv shows living with autism. These characters lived a normal life like everybody else. They each unique about themselves. They challenged their lives in a more beneficial way. These are the qualities that I'd picked: 1. Molly McKay "Molly"    Molly is a 28-year-old adult female living… Continue reading Characters With Autism

Favorite Characters Who Writes in a Diary, Journal, and Carried a Notebook 

1. Ginger Foutley (As Told by Ginger)    Ginger is my favorite character on the show. She narrates by the use of her diary. She mostly wrote in her diary at home and sometimes in places like for an example: In the episode "Stealing First" Ginger wrote in her diary on the way back home… Continue reading Favorite Characters Who Writes in a Diary, Journal, and Carried a Notebook